Saturday, February 12, 2011


We realize that before we can do A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G, we need to McSell the McMansion. It makes me wonder if Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famed "I have a dream" had a follow up "I have a plan".
I hate selling houses. I've sold enough of them to know...and know better.
How did we get INTO this place anyway? I'll tell you. It started with a move from suburban Washington, DC. to suburban (yawn) Dallas. Well. No. It actually started well before that. our youth. In a lot of collective youths, I imagine. We were taught that you buy the biggest home you can afford and that the promotions will come. The home buying equivalent of "if you build it, they will come." And we followed that kind, if not dated, advice. For a really, really long time. What we DID'NT recognize at the time is that we are significantly different from our parents in 2 important respects: 1) our lifestyle and accompanying choices are far different from those available and acceptable to our parents and 2) the security once concretely available to our parents is now illusory myth. Instead of our house being our home, our community is. Instead of wanting things, we crave experiences. Instead of security, opportunity and risk. 
Alas...I digress.
But it's pertinent. 
We moved from the higher cost of living area of DC to the more affordable DFW burbs being sure to pack our "if you build it" philosophy. On steroids. Because in Dallas? You get a LOT more bang for you buck. So we bought a lovely...McMansion right smack dab in the middle of the suburbs with the accompanying expectation that happiness and satisfaction would soon follow. And you know what? It didn't. Sure, we were happy...ish. But not satisfied. We weren't...aren' an authentic life. So...after much discussion? We've come to the conclusion that the primary roadblock to our living an authentic life? A life...perhaps...less ordinary? Is our mortgage. Our spot in the bubble. Therefore? We are actively exchanging the illusion of security for the risk of opportunity. We are eschewing our things in search of adventure. We are expanding the walls of our home to embrace the world.


  1. So... I think you may understand this idea I have.. For quite awhile now(years) I tell Rick that if he could "work from home" we should buy a 5th wheel, or an awesome equivalent, and drive/live around the country. We would have unlimited awesome outdoor adventures, visit family and friends, and I could run my heart &legs out everywhere! (Of coarse I would love to run across USA, but that is a different story)
    Eventually, who knows? I believe anything is possible and the only limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves.
    You Go Rachael! Sell the McMansion and take the kids to see the world!

  2. Onward! Fell victim to this same philosophy as well. 5 houses bought and sold in 8 years. Each one bigger than the previous. That was a hard lesson to learn. Could have saved 10 years of my life almost and maybe a lot more.

    I could completely live out of an Airstream.....

  3. For purely selfish reasons I think this is a terrible idea. However, Donnie and I keep talking about going overseas once Ry has graduated.

  4. ReBecca...that was Jon and my original idea. Even with all three kids! I still think it's McAwesome - I hope you get mobile soon! It's in the hopper for us...but I really, REALLY want to be immersed in a different culture for a bit. Have a home base from which to explore from. Shrug. We'll see.

  5. Dave...I am beginning to think we share a trajectory...although I'm not sure we hit 5...
    Rene...just think...if this works? You'll have a free place to stay in some (hopefully) awesome place!
